Let me read your cards (max 3 cards)
Many of you have your own oracle/guidance cards. You read them regularly but every now and again you get confused by their message.
This often happens when we are enmeshed in the situation or feel ungrounded by the energies around us.
By having the perspective of a seasoned reader you open yourself up to seeing something that may have previously been hidden from view. Something clicks or shifts to reveal a message that had been there all along.
This new service is quick. You email me a photo of the cards you have drawn (maximum 3 cards) with a brief explanation of the issue you are seeking clarity on. I email back to you within 24 hours with any insights and wisdom coming through for you.
You can use my card deck, tarot or any other card deck providing I have them or can access the guidebook (you would need to send photos of the relevant page for that too)
My email is: [email protected]